It really ties the room together

Caution, meta blogging ahead.
When I started this blog, my head was filled with delusions of grandeur, it would be like my last craft blog. Much to my dismay, getting back into blogging hasn’t been very easy. It seems simple enough…

1.Make things

                  2.Take pictures of things

                  3. Write about said things

                                     (4. Possibly a tutorial here and there)

For whatever reason, this plan hasn’t come together as I envisioned it. I guess I thought it would be easy. I wrote nearly every other day for my last blog; which ended about 5 or 6 years ago. It isn’t like riding a bike, or falling off a horse and getting back on… It’s more like having a bicycle with the front break always being engaged, while being chased by a horse.
I really thought blogging again would help me in my creative endeavors, as it did “Back in the day”
As well as hold me accountable to my creative passions, connect with other creative souls and give me my own reference points. (I can’t even begin to count how many I’ve had to revisit my own tutorials!)
I have been taking pictures of the things I make, it’s always a part of my process. But, I find that I “don’t have time” to write about them. And if I get the urge, it is squashed by the thought “well, I made that 2 weeks ago, it isn’t very current”
I have to start, in earnest, someplace. Yesterday I made an amazingly simple pillow sham for the sofa. My living room has no color scheme, and it’s mostly a lot of randomness. So I believe this fits right in.

it really ties the room together

it really ties the room together

One of the other items of furniture in there is a futon love seat which is teal, and very very close to the background of the panda fabric. I’m not sure If I will make any pillows for that. (Perhaps some bolster type situation would work well.)  It will be difficult because it has a totally random colored Pinwheel blanket on it. I spun the yarn from only left over bits of wool top, and roving in a thick and thin style. (I just looked up my old blog on the wayback machine and couldn’t find picture of it when it was new in all of it’s glory.) Just looking at some of my old posts and photos made me long for spinning and knitting again. The book took my love of that away. (Very tragic.)
I hope with this “freshie blog” beginning, and after 6 years (of non-bloggery) I will continue to expand my craft-tastic horizons. Creating not only a reference point for myself, but something to hold me accountable. Someplace I can look to, to see where I went wrong with a particular project or how I can make things better; offer tutorials and maybe even some digital embroidery downloads. Who knows, the road has endless possibility. The only thing standing in my way is myself.

Pandas are Love